Monday, February 20, 2017

Febuary 18, 2017

Name today: Lazy Rainy Saturday
Today I get to --give myself permission to make mistakes

This note gives the bearer (Deanna Steffler) permission to make mistakes.  "just because you make mistakes doesn't mean you are one"  author unknown.   Heavenly Father is not an umpire who is counting strike one, strike two, strike three  You're OUT!  He is the loving parent and coach on the sideline always encouraging you to get up and try again.  he knew this life was to be a learning experience and that we would make mistakes but that is why he also planned for a Savior to redeem us from those mistakes,  Christ makes up for all of the pain, heartache and hurt caused by you and/or any one affected by the mistake.  You can never be beyond the loving arms of the Lord's atonement.

Never say "oops" always say " AH, interesting!     We need to take the lesson/knowledge we learn from our mistakes to move forward wiser for the experience, not to let the mistake stop us in our tracks.

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