After talking with a couple of my daughters I have decided to clarify this contest. The $20 prize will go to the person with the most creative entry as judged by myself and whoever else I consult. As further incentive I will have a random drawing prize of all the remaining entrys as I want to encourge lots of entrys and not to discourage anyone who is not feeling too creative. I am going on vacation next week and it has been requested that I give you all plenty of time to enter so the contest will end July 31,2009 after I get back. You can enter as many times as you want and each entry will be considered for the judged prize. However, the random drawing will be limited to one per person who entered. (you must enter at least once to be in the drawing). I had fun writing my creative sentence and I know you and your family will have fun too. This could generate alot of laughs as a family home evening activity. Try looking through magazines at pictures as a way to get started, as I did with the picture Dennis posted. Have your young non-literate children tell you a story about a picture etc. HAVE FUN! This is just a little activity to keep the brain cells humming over the long summer.
Please check the previous post, July 4th, and read the comments, Holly has already posted two outstanding entries. Don't let this easy money pass you up.
How about........
"Dad, let's go kill some bad guys."
How about.......
With a voice hoarse from screaming, and fingernails caked with earth from clawing the ground, Earl spies the sign that reads; 'PLEASE DO NOT annoy, torment, pester, plague, molest, worry, badger, harry, harass, persecute, irk, bullyrag, vex, disquiet, grate, beset, tease, nettle, tantalize, or ruffle the animals' and realizes that dangling the corndog in front of the alligator was not the greatest idea for a good time.
How about......
I discovered that cotton candy clouds do not taste like cotton candy, while their cold and collosal rain-filled cousins do feel like they look on the first day I found out I could fly.
Skip snaps the lid on the can of polish as he stands back and enjoys the rings of Saturn reflecting perfectly off the cowling of his candy-apple red starcruiser, aptly named "Deathfire".
While everyone else is going green, wearing their dust masks, and coughing at deisel exhaust fumes, I take a deep breath and fondly remember riding with Grandpa on his John Deere tractor.
It has been commonly accepted for centuries that they numbered twelve, so the shockwaves are still being felt throughout the world as we find more proof of the thirteenth and fourteenth apostles, Rick and Bill, the Twins of Pagreha.
I should go to bed, but I am having so much fun.
Del, I love your entries!! You just made it a real contest!! It's going to be hard to choose now!!
Here's a good one........
Just because I have chosen the right fork in the road does not mean it has always been the right path for me, so as I look in my mirror at the dozen or more state troopers with their red and blues on, I know they want me to pull to the right, but this time I am choosing to go left---as I stomp the gas pedal to the floor!!
Want another one......???
I leap from the highest of cliffs of earth and soar free like the bald eagle for what seems an eternity, until the forces of gravity sink their teeth into my ankles and pull me down at terminal velocity into the frigid depths of backcountry creeks, because I am the fearless cliff-jumper, and this is my tale.
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