Hi all, I'm finally going to start the next contest. So here is the contest. Write a halloween story/poem/essay/whatever using the following dozen words somewhere in the story (which were collected from those family members present at the last contest drawing and by opening a book and blindly placing my finger on a word).
Cookie Monster, cuticle, lick, hyperventilate, green, smart, Heffalump, four-poster, skateboard, time, pasta, careless
Hope you have fun, the entries will be judged on Oct 31st with the 20 dollar prize going to the one I judge to be the cleverest. "ah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!" (wicked witch laugh)
Here's my entry........
The Day of The Dead
and past Halloweens,
The best years are gone
and never more seen.
I've fond memories
of the Good Ol' Days,
Far more simple TIMEs,
free and CARELESS ways.
racing door to door.
Fill my pillow case,
always wanting more!
Witch with black nails from
CUTICLE to tip,
Dark GREEN PASTA hair,
fat mole on her lip.
HUFFALUMP, and ghost.
he scares me the most!
At home with my Queen
and three little ogres,
I fall asleep smiling
Dreaming of Harleys
and '32 roadsters.
A SMART man knows while
simple times are past,
The memories made
then will always last.
When the Day of The Dead
dawns in my hallowed den,
I may not be as
young as I was then.
Remember these words
and I'll find my Zen;
When Mister Owl speaks,
yes, the whole world stops.
"Only three LICKS kill
a Tootsie-roll Pop."
Here is attempt #1
"It's finally Halloween! The TIME has gone by so slow" thought COOKIE MONSTER. " I can't wait for tonight! I hope HUFFALUMP and Elmo are ready to trick or treat. I wonder if they would like to ride our SKATEBOARDS while we gather our yummy deliciouso bounty? Idk! I hope I get lots of GREEN apple suckers. They are my favorite candy. I love to LICK them until my tongue gets sore. My mom, Mrs Cookie Monster says "Son, my sweet Cookie Monster, you are so SMART! Why are you so CARELESS with your body?" but I don't care even if my tongue starts to bleed I just keep on licking! Oh my gosh it's time to start getting ready. I better let my mom, Mrs Cookie Monster, trim my claws and CUTICLES so I don't scare anybody. I really hate when that happens. First they start to scream, then they HYPERVENTILATE and then they pass out! Bummer. "Oh my sweet Cookie Monster" Mom, Mrs Cookie Monster calls. " It's time for dinner. We're having your favorite PASTA and cookie dough balls. Hurry up my sweet Cookie Monster because you need to shower after dinner and before you climb into your big comfy four poster bed so you can get a good nights rest for trick or treating tomorrow!" "NOOOOOOOOOOO" I cry! "I thought Halloween was today!"
# 2
"Knock Knock Mrs GREEN! Trick or treat?"
"HUFFALUMPs, COOKIE MONSTERs, and bears oh my what a scare! Boys your costumes are awesome! Here have a finger SKATEBOARD or a sticker. You know I don't like to hand out candy that you have to suck, LICK or chew because over time it just rots your teeth! I know you'll be SMART and only eat a few pieces of candy tonight. Right boys? Oh Cookie Monster your nails and CUTICLEs are such a pretty blue!"
"Thanks. My mom buffed and clipped them for me while we watched a movie from her FOUR POSTER bed on her giant plasma screen tv. She was a little CARELESS though. She cut my fnger"
"Oh I'm so sorry! Did you HYPERVENTILATE and pass out?"
" No, I cried a little, but then my mom cheered me up by making me my favorite lunch. PASTA and cookie dough balls yum yum!"
" Well I'm glad your finger is ok. Have a good TIME tonight boys."
"Bye Mrs Green"
# 3
Not GREEN, red, or white
He is blue
Cookie Monster
likes to LICK, eat, and munch
cookies and PASTA
Cookie Monster
SKATEBOARDs, TIME travels and draws
on his SMART board
Cookie Monster
is not CARELESS with his
Cookie Monster
love HUFFALUMPS and down filled
Cookie Monster
cute, blue, cookie eater
Well, they're not as good as Del's poem but at least I posted! Love you. Monica
Love them! Thanks for posting, I know it just takes a little time but I hope everyone else is encouraged and enters.
The old gray mare let out a snort,
With the echo of the rifle’s report.
The air was crisp, the night was dark,
The hunter’s aim had missed the mark.
In the woods a flash of something GREEN,
This was no place to be on Halloween.
Undaunted, the men knew this was the night
The mysterious HEFFALUMP would be alight.
The group pressed on for a while,
Like a manicurist pushes a CUTICLE file.
The Heffalump was dangerous and SMART,
But the men smelt his silent but deadly fart.
The chase was on as they galloped to the stream,
Till the horses’ started at a blood-curdling scream.
Big Bird had been CARELESS and gone on alone,
Now he lay on the ground like a big yellow stone.
His insides looked like PASTA,
And Elmo just lost it.
While Oscar drank one for him and his homie,
This is where our poem gets corny.
Bert and Ernie beat a quick retreat
Back to Sesame Street.
Only one dared remain,
COOKIE MONSTER was his name.
Cookie splashed into the stream,
Like a chocolate chip dream.
This ball of blue fury
Had a Heffalump to LICK and bury.
The Heffalump was big like a FOUR-POSTER bed,
With SKATEBOARD wheels weaved in his dreads.
Cookie charged on, till the beast did HYPERVENTILATE,
He knew this was the TIME, he must not be late.
He reached for his chips ahoy,
And smacked that macadamia nut
Upside his pistachio.
Then he followed it up with some milk in a glass,
And that’s how he kicked the Heffalump’s ____.
That was fun. My vote is for Del's. Mine wound up being a little gruesome, but after all it is Halloween. Ha Ha Ha (wicked laugh).
Oh my gosh Del your is so good how can i follow it up?? Chris I loved yours too. I have no idea what to write after those two good entries.
I cant get over Del's story. I just read it again and it moved me and made me laugh at the same time. I think he should win hands down. Why do you have to be such a good writer Del! :)
Don't be intimidated, I think that in order to encourge others to compete I will also do a random drawing so get those entries in!! It doesn't take too long once you get started! Come on family!! Enter!!! :) * * * * * * * * * Deanna/mom/grandma/aunt/sister
Nows the TIME, on Halloween night
When the moon is full and bright.
Children run CARELESS down the street
Searching for delicious candy to LICK, stick, and eat.
SMART ones always bring a big sack
In hopes of more candy to pack.
A rap-tap-tap on a door
Open your sack and ask for more.
Listen as the children sing
Their little song on halloween.
“Tricker treat, smell my feet
Give me something good to eat,
If you don’t,I don’t care, i’ll pull down your underwear.”
HYPERVENTILATE as you run to the next block
Ready to give more doors a knock.
Your hand is ready CUTICLES and all
To reach in the bowl for a big gum ball.
In the dark, the COOKIE MONSTER looms
Along by his side is a HEFFALUMP too.
Suddenly, you hear a loud scream and turn GREEN!
But everyone laughs because its Halloween.
Your legs are exhausted and feel like PASTA,
after the SKATEBOARD ride home.
You hit your FOUR-POSTER bed to rest your head,
Then dream of the seen thats name is Halloween!!
Happy Halloween!!!
I love the entries for this contest!!! Mom, I think for your next competition you should add all of the entries onto the end of your contest blog post. So your blog really shows the wonderful contest you post, and the entries are highlighted as part of your entertaining contests. Love it!
I'll be sure and enter the next contest!
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