Monday, August 11, 2008

Monday again

I'm sorry that it seems like I can't write more than once a week. I worked last night and now that I had a short nap maybe I can function a little. Today is my mother's 78th birthday. I wish I could be up there to see her. I haven't got to see her this year, with preparing for the wedding and changing jobs I didn't get to take time off for a visit. Danelle went up and visited her this summer and says she looks great!! I know she has been exercising and has lost weight and she was always blessed with great skin so I'm sure she looks much younger than her age! I hope Danelle posts pictures soon, but I know that Danelle is also wrapped up in uncertainty--job change, moving, and school starting. They must move by the end of the month but Vincente will not be elegible to post to a new store (where he will be Senior manager) until Sept 1st so they do not know where to move or stay yet. It's too bad that things didn't work out for them to stay in their home for another month, but we all have faith that the Lord will provide and guide them to where they should be. I hope it can be closer to us but most of the store openings seems to be further east at this time.

Marvin is still staying strong in the quitting smoking attempt but every day that I ask he just seems like he won't be able to hang on much longer if the desire doesn't start to ease off. On Wednesday it will be two weeks since he essentially quit, with no easing off of the intense desire to smoke.

Holly and family should be arriving in another week or two, I'm not sure when yet and if you read her post you know that her car has died---one more obstacle in an already overwhelming month.

Monica's kiddo's started school today, I hope they all liked their new experiences--Morgan started in High School and Denver in Middle School.


Amazed said...

Would it be possible for Marvin to go to an acupuncturist? That is how my mom and dad quit. Really, it was a miracle. They could feel the desire actually leave them. The hardest thing is finding something to occupy your hands with. It has to be replaced by something. Good luck! I hope he can hang in there! He'll feel sooo much better! Love you! m.

Monica said...

Hey Momma, Tell Dad I love him and I know he can quit. We are all so proud of him for taking this step!