I have been reading more and while I haven't read any great books I read some that I have enjoyed and that are thought promoting. I read a lot of "self help" books trying to figure myself out and trying to find those magic formulas to make me love to exercise and eat right and to be more productive. The most recent one I read was called "Loving What Is" by Byron Katie. It is a non religious book that helps us realize that what ever is going on in our life is "what is" and how we can accept and trust that God is in control and release our negative thinking and align ourselves with the truth in our lives and learn to live in peace. I have developed some insights from this book. I am starting an LDS preceptive book "Forgiving Ourselves" by Wendy Ulrich but haven't got too far yet. I just read the first two Harry Potter books (I know I'm behind the times) and just started "The Giver" by Lois Lowry. I am rereading "Running with Angels" which is by an LDS mom and how she lost 100lbs and ran a marathon. I read a chapter or two of Persusion by Jane Austen and will be returning to that soon.
One of the things I did a couple of months ago was to buy a new computer. It sure is nice not to have all the glitches that my old one had developed. I believe that the old one just needs to be wiped and reloaded and everyone asks me where my restore discs are and I tell them the computer didn't come with any. I need to contact the company this month because I bought an extended warranty and even though I think it is a software problem, maybe they will provide the restore discs. Anyway with this new computer I learned something that was so easy but just didn't know how to do and that was how to "rip" my cd's to the computer. How simple was that!! Just open your windows media player, put your cd in the drive and click on rip! Sometimes if it was the first one I had to click on rip again and tell it to "rip the cd in drive E" but after that, every cd I put in was ripped automatically. I bought some head phones ('cause I was jealous of Holly wearing their big ol' headphones). I listened for a couple of minutes, enjoying the bass, then went to nap because I had to work that night. In the morning when I got home from work, I came to the computer and found that someone (a little big brown-eyed curly top girl) had taken the scissors I had used to open that extremely theft-proof packaging on the head phones and had snipped the wires into about nine or eight pieces!! Good thing I went for the $10.00 pair from Ross (a discount store) rather than the $80 ones I was thinking about at Sam's Club!! :) Not a big deal, just a reminder about being mindful of a child's curiosity and desire to try out their SKILLS.
This girl has "scissor" SKILLS!
Hey! Elder Corbridge's talk was great... I was there when he spoke! I really enjoyed Sister Allred, and Elder Bednar. I'm reading some fab books, its a series by Anita Stansfield..A timeless Waltz!
Tobin is going to be 23 in December. He went to Milan Italy Mission 05-07. So he's been home a little over a year!
I am taking Institute... because I'm living in BYU housing and not a student I have to..if I want to be able to live here! lol I'm in the Old Testiment class... its really cool learning about something I already know about.. but hearing it from an LDS view.
Its been really hard making friends! I'm working 12 hour shifts with my two jobs, and a boyfriend. Its so hard! I really miss having friends and not working so much.. but I guess I'm in the adult world now!
Thats great news about Marvin.. I'm sure that would be really hard!
The pictures of the kids are so cute! You'll have to tell Holly hello for me! :D love Trista
Mom, Two days in a row! Way to go! Love you, monica
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